Thursday 27 July 2017




The intra Party tension within the APC in Kano is getting heat following the nomination of the running mate for the governorship race in 2015 election. APC in kano is said to have multiple factions within the party which cause serious disagreements and misunderstanding between party members. It is obvious that the opposition parties’ i.e ANPP, CPC & ACN enters into agreement which eventually gave birth to APC after dissolving their respective certificates to form a stronger party that can challenge the ruling party (PDP) single handedly.
 In Kano ANPP was the leading opposition followed by CPC and ACN respectively and it is believed that after the merger the hostilities that exist in 2011 between the 3 parties were slacked after long period of political disagreements. In  2011 members of the APC were said to have being in their different parties before the creation of the party in 2013. Even though any coalition would have some element of contentions  here and there but the intra party crises in APC came into view immediately after members of new PDP join APC which drive out some cardinal members of the defunct ANPP to the ruling PDP on the fear of injustice. Since then Kwankwaso as a Governor took the mantle of APC leadership in Kano and this gave Kwankwasiyya faction upper hand in almost all the activities of the party including selections, nominations and appointments with little consideration to other members of legacy party. The recent misunderstanding excavated and exposed, the enfold rivalry following the nomination of Professor Hafiz Abubakar as the running mate to the  party flag bearer in 2015 gubernatorial polls. This action was seen very odd and injustice especially from the side of the initial members of the party insisting that the process is full of selfish interest and favouritism from the kwankwasiyya camp as already the gobernotorial candidate is from the same camp. The decision taken by the state leadership of the party is seen as an attempt by kwankwasiyya allies to marginalised others just because they seize to be  wearing red cap as a symbol of respect to kwankwasiyya movement.
The composition that cause all these crises are nothing but unjustifiable allocation of political seats vying by the members of various camp, many strategic positions were shared among Kwankwasiyya camp comprising number 1 and 2 positions (Governor and Deputy), 1 senatorial seat, 18 out of 24 federal house of representative seats are also given to Governor's loyalists. ANPP members secured 2 senatorial seats and 5 house representative seat and only 2 members of house of representatives from CPC are allowed to recontest their seats base on incumbency strength, and for ACN members  no senatorial and house representative seats were allocated to them. This action  led to steap  exchange of harsh words and pointing out accusing fingers among APC members of different factions to the extend that both Kwankwasiyya and Legacy camps are using media to intimidate one another, I consider their action as a failure which should not suppose to manifest in the party because of the strong believe from the members of general public that APC might bring total, positive and progressives change to state and the nation at large. Therefore  the national body of the party should not relent in ensuring paece and stability in the party at all levels, they should also not allow any member to posses absolute power and control to do what he/she feel like doing for self perfectuating contrary to the provision of party constitution. It is pertinent to all APC members to be treated equally and in Kano the leadership of the party should  forget any political differences and also not allow money politics, political anointment, god fatherism and incumbency factor to prevail in the party. Let the leadership understand the trend of kano politics as deficted in previous elections right from first republic up to present democratic epoch, typical examples are what happened in SDP  and ANPP which led to their failure in 1991 and 2011 respectively.

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