Wednesday 20 March 2019




Islam is the religion of faith that professes monotheism, or the belief in oneness of God. It is act of total submission to the will of Allah only. Muslims are followers of Islamic religion believe in Allah the Supreme Being, the Almighty, the Creator and the Possessor of the whole universe, who revealed religion through His prophets sent to guide mankind. Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) is last and the leader of all the prophets and apostles sent to earth.  For anybody to be in Islamic faith one has to accept the testimony of faith wholeheartedly, the kalimatush shahada which signifies the oneness of Allah (SWT) in its first segment as well as the believe in Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) as messenger of Allah in the second segment.
One thing that people should consider about the testimony of faith is that, it is incomplete as well as null and void pending to believe in the second part of it, i.e where it says "and I testify that Muhammad is his messenger". Therefore one will seized to be a true muslim if ever he/she denied or opposed the prophet hood of Muhammad bn Abdullah (Abul Qasim). Surely prophet Muhammad is a super natural human being who possess extra ordinary qualities that are extremely different from any other mankind created on this earth right from the beginning up to the day of resurrection. Moreso, in this little article I can never highlight all the integrities and the qualities posseses by our Holy Prophet like piousness, truthfulness, righteousness, faithfulness, accurateness, foresightedness, rectitudeness, saintliness, devotedness, uprightness, braveness, etc etc..........
The above are among the few excellent qualities that Allah created him with which He (God) has never ever given to anybody in this world. More importantly however, Prophet Muhammad is the only person that Allah, the master of the day of judgement agrees to combine his name together with, and make the  pronouncement invalid without mentioning Prophet Muhammad in sequel. Indeed, Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) is the most precious and the most treasured person in the sight of Allah.
In respect to obedience in Islam as revealed in the holy Qur'an, people are asked to be obedient to Allah from the first place, and then followed by no other than Prophet Muhammad (SAW), Q64:12. In other verses of the Qur'an Allah (SWT) confirms his prophecy: "Muhammad is the Apostle of Allah, and those with him are firm of heart against the unbelievers... "(Q48:29); "Muhammad is not they father of any of your men, but he is the Apostle of Allah and the Last of the prophets; and Allah is cognizant of all things".(Q33:40).
Therefore, by virture of his personality, status, profile and reputation as manifested in his life style as well as his eminence features full of knowledge and wisdom descended to his people, Prophet Muhammad deserves unquantifiable and practical respect by every rightful and pious Muslim. It is the compulsory duty of Muslim ummah to protect the dignity, honour and self-esteem of Prophet SAW, so that whoever assault and molest his personality should not be allowed to go at no cost without facing a deserving wrath and castigation. Nowadays the stupid acts of abusing the personality of our beloved prophet came in to view by anti Islamic western forces that are doing it just to infuriate and upset Muslim communities. Quite rightly what they were doing really instigate tensions and discontents to the believers across the globe. These evil acts also draw serious responses which in many cases brought serious uprising in Muslim countries.
It happened in kano by one bastard, fool, moron   person, Abdul Nyass, a diehard to Shehu Ibrahim Nyass (a prominent sheikh who is considered as a saint in Tijjaniyya sect) insulted the holy prophet Muhammad (SAW), Subhanallah! Wa iyazubillah!!
With  strong  shock and dismay, I personally condemned this barbarism and I am praying for any horrible and ugly curse to decend on this man and his likes wherever they are. Infact this idiot dumbhead man should never be allowed to go unpunished for this great stupidity. We know about 99% of Kano people are Muslims and the state government is practicing sharia legal system, threfore I am calling the attention of Kano state government with a loud voice and intense demand to quickly and hurriedly take a legal action (base on Islamic sharia) on that brainless person to serve as deterrence to other.

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